Thursday, June 9, 2011

For the Fun of It

I started my summer school class last night - Cultural Anthropology. Once in class, I discovered that I had gotten the wrong book for the class. I felt stupid, but then I realized it was no big deal, so just lighten up! When we introduced ourselves, I said my name and then I told the prof and the class, "I graduated in May with my Bachelor's in History. Now I work in the Math Department and classes are free for University employees. This class is something I was interested in so I thought I'd give it a shot." I think they were all amazed that I am in class just for the fun of it.

"For the fun of it." There seems to be a huge difference in taking a class as a degree requirement as opposed to taking a class just for the accumulation of knowledge. I feel much more relaxed about being in class - not that I am going to be a slacker and not try my best to get a good grade. That's not it at all. I just don't feel as much pressure being a "for the fun of it" student. Yes, I am still an older nontraditional student, but I feel like a "freelancer". In this class, I am a student by choice, not by necessity.

Hmm - lesson for this post? Learning is a lifelong experience. Many universities offer non-credit courses in everything from computer programming to wine tasting and kayaking. Libraries offer courses in computers. Community centers offer courses in crafting, dancing, swimming and host of other subjects. Wherever you are in your journey - serious degree-seeking student or lover of knowledge - take advantage of the opportunities to continue growing and learning. Stay tuned . . .

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