Sunday, March 21, 2010

Have Laptop, Will do Homework (Anytime, Anywhere)

How many times do we find ourselves longing for "the good old days"? You know, the days without cell phones, laptops, gridlock, rat race, etc. We discussed "the good old days" in one of my history classes a couple semesters ago and came to the conclusion that "the good old days" are a myth, that we only remember the good about the good old days and not the bad.

I remember when my Mom went to get her Master's degree. She did not have a laptop or a cell phone. She spent long hours at the library writing in longhand then typing all that out on an IMB Selectric typewriter (remember those??) and had to find a payphone to call us if she needed anything.

In many ways, I am glad times have changed and we have the technology that allows us to be more mobile. It helps with my time management. Megan had a volleyball tournament in Franklin, TN this weekend and, as always, I took my homework with me. I did less homework and watched more volleyball and more NCAA hoop action. Oh, well. What are weekends for?

The whole point is that without my laptop, I would fall behind in my schoolwork. I don't know how my Mom did it without all the great technology we had today. I guess my laptop can also be a drawback as I am chained to it because of having to do schoolwork. However, it is a great tool and it is good knowing that wherever I am, as long as there is an electric outlet, I am good to go!

How about you? What is your take on today's technology and how it affects your education? and what is your favorite gadget that you absolutely cannot do without? Gotta run - homework calls! Stay tuned . . .


Anonymous said...

Luckily as most of my 'homework' is reading I don't have to cart a laptop around. Nevertheless, trying to concentrate and 'read' actively on the side of a hot noisy pool while the girls are training is hard work. Also if I had a pound for every time their coach says 'reading again' I'd be a very rich woman.

Anonymous said...

oops completely missed the question at the end - favourite piece of tech: I havent got mine yet, but am expecting it on Friday- my birthday pressie - an iphone!!! I am sure once I get my hands on it I won't be able to do without it ;)