Monday, May 9, 2011

Dating as a Nontrad

I ran across this subject this morning as I was checking my Facebook account. Elizabeth Shepherd found this subject adressed in her Yahoo nontrad group. Dating is something I have thought of, but not in the context of being a nontrad. My dating experience is more of a late-40something, getting back into the swing of things dating that has nothing to do with being a student.

Honestly, I don't think I would want to date a classmate or professor. I guess that leads to the question of where does one go to find a "companion"? There are lots of resources. I found a wonderful man through an online dating site. Yes, I know online dating still carries a stigma. One has to wade through tons of fraudluent profiles, bad first dates, etc. to find someone worth investing in. But wouldn't you have to do that anyway with face-to-face dating? The only advantage with online dating is that one has more access to more people in a shorter period of time. And, for a nontrad who is busy with school, etc., online dating can save a great deal of time.

However, one must still be cautious with online dating. Some tips I have run across are:
1. Don't reveal too much about yourself. Email first and then decide if you want to meet.
2. Meet for the first time in a well-lit, easy to find place. Take your own car. Meet in a group situation with some of your friends.
3. If at any time you feel uncomfortable about your date, trust your instincts. Don't move forward with it.
4. Ask questions. Be cautious about how much information you share.
5. Don't allow yourself to be pressured into doing something you don't want to do - have sex, go back to his place, etc.
6. Set boundaries. Don't be pressured into the amount of time you will spend with him/her, etc.
7. Always let someone else know where and with whom you are going. SAFETY FIRST!

I have discovered that the parameters for dating now are alot different than they were when I was 18. The best advice is to relax and be yourself, trust your instincts and know your boundaries. There is someone special out there. It just takes time to find them. I know because I found my special someone. Stay tuned . .

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