Thursday, November 5, 2009

All Work and No Play

When it comes to schoolwork, I am very serious. I have spent so much time at the library, they are now naming a study room in my honor (just kidding). I was told I could get my own study nook, too. I am giving that some serious thought.

However, ever since the semester started, I have been incredibly tired. At first I thought the fatigue might be due to the fact that I am on campus full time now. I exercise, eat right and drink plenty of water. (Yes, a trip to the doc is already planned.) Hmmm. I read an article on MSN today that stated one reason for fatigue is an all work, no play attitude. I am like that - all work. I have had several people ask me what I do for fun. Now that I think of it, I really do not do that much for fun. I need to get out more.

I thought about some of the things I like to do:
1. Attend First Friday in downtown Knoxville - the art galleries are open, there is live music, there are wine and cheese tastings.
2. Attend cultural activities on campus - the Cultural Arts Committee's schedule for this year is quite diverse. I plan on enjoying some of the attractions they will be bringing to campus.
3. Attend lectures in my major - that may seem somewhat nerdy (ok, ALOT nerdy), but I enjoy hearing experts share their experiences.
4. Sports! I enjoy attending UT men's and women's basketball, volleyball, and baseball. Being a student means I get reduced price tickets.
5. Music - the College of Music is always having recitals and special group concerts (UT Jazz Band, UT Symphonic Band, etc.).
6. Christmas wish-list shopping - kind of like window shopping. It's fun to go with a friend and just look at clothes, housewares, etc.
7. Walking - I love to walk. I don't mind walking - anywhere. One item on my Life List is to either walk across the state or across the country.
8. Baking - as long as there are no deadlines for when I must have something made, I enjoy baking. I like creating good things to eat!
9. Loved ones - I enjoy hanging out with my family. Now that my children are all adults, we have a different relationship and can relate on a whole different level. It's cool!
10. Writing - I enjoy writing - poems, prose, whatever. It's therapy for me.

There are plenty of opportunities for me to do something fun. Being on campus is a great place to look for something fun to do. I guess I need to grant myself permission to do those things. All work and no play makes Zickbee a very dull (and tired!) girl. How about you? Will you give yourself permission to do something fun, that takes your mind off school and refreshes and renews your soul? I am going out of town this weekend to the mountains of North Carolina. Ahh! I can feel the stress begin to dissipate already! Stay tuned . . .


Betsyanne (E Sheppard) said...

I am happy you are doing that (taking off to have fun)! Let us know how your break went. Curious minds want to know all about it. :-)

Anonymous said...

I think a break from studies is essential. Sometimes focusing too much can prevent a look at the wider picture- I find this even more important when a big essay is due. A little space allows ideas to pop into my head which can often clarify something I have been struggling with.